“The Birthmark”, “The Yellow Wallpaper”, and “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud”,
are all linked by the commonality of human perfection and self-appreciation.
Hawthorne’s “The Birthmark” focuses on physical human perfection. “The Yellow
Wallpaper”, focuses on internal and external perfection. “I Wandered Lonely as
a Cloud,” focuses on internal perfection. In the Zen Meditation orientation
earlier this week we were told to empty our minds. The emptying of our mind
will allow us to make a difference in our own lives and in others lives as
well. All of the readings and Zen Meditation focuses on perfection of the body
and the mind as a whole.
Hawthorne’s “The Birthmark” is a short story about a husband and wife. The
husband, Aylmer, believes that his wife “ ‘came so nearly perfect from the hand
of Nature that this slightest possible defect, which we hesitate whether to
term a defect or a beauty, shocks me, as being the visible mark of earthly
imperfection,’” (Worlds of Fiction 467). Upon his wife, Georgiana’s cheek there
is a blemish of a crimson color. Aylmer believes that if she were to have the
blemish removed that she would be the most perfect thing in the world. As time
went on “he found this one defect grow more and more intolerable with every moment
of their united lives,” and needed it to be gone. His view on perfection is
superficial and based on physical beauty. If one is not completely and utterly
physically perfect than one is not perfect.
Perkins Gilman’s “The Yellow Wallpaper” shifts our focus to the whole person
and perfection. The perfection of the whole person is internal and external. In
this short story the husband of the main character, John, is a physician who
locks his wife away in a summer home. His intention when locking her away was
to give her “perfect rest and all the air [she] could get,”(Worlds of Fiction 389). Although he told her that nothing was
wrong with her, she could not help but wonder as to why she was locked away.
John was trying to keep her physically perfect and her health perfect. However
while in solitude, the narrator continuously tries to write and better herself.
Writing is an outlet for her, yet her condition makes her tired whenever she
attempts to write. This shows that allow one may be weak; perseverance is key.
If at first you do not succeed, try and try again. The narrator shows us this
by her perseverance to continue writing and look for answers that her husband
is hiding from her. She is looking to make herself better and “perfect.”
in Wordsworth’s “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud,” he describes the perfection of
nature. Nature in its purest form is the most perfect. As he walks “Beside the
lake, beneath the trees… Fluttering and dancing in the breeze,” he notices the
pure beauty and perfection of not only the flowers and the lake but of himself
(Wordsworth 5-6). The speaker says, “A poet could not but be gay… In such a
jocund company;” the perfection of nature makes him feel as if he, in that
instant, is also perfect. The speaker allows us the readers to see that the
perfection of nature is an important aspect in our lives to make us feel
perfection in our lives.
of the readings relates to Zen Meditation Monday night. In meditation we were
instructed to allow all thoughts to escape our minds. In turn with the
continued practice of Zen Meditation we should start to become more aware of our
surroundings and of ourselves. This relates to perfection because in order to
be perfect we need to be aware. Our tentativeness as a society relates directly
to our success. The more attentive we are the more successful we become over
time. Although perfection has different meanings to different people, societies
perspective of perfection overrules most and the way in which most ascribe to
be “perfect.”
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