“Liberty,” written by Thomas Lynch, “Suburban,” written by
John Ciardi, “The Cask of Amontillado,” written by Edger Allen Poe, and “Black
Theology and Liberation,” written by James H. Cone reflect upon the freedom and
liberation. These literary works are
grounded in sociological concepts and philosophies, striving to lessen the
constraints and limitations of those freedoms.
As it is best known, the language of the poem, short story, and/or novel
highlights those restrictions which directly affect humanity. Furthermore, one should note the language
used in each work, for literary elements speak louder than the author(s).
In “Liberty,” sparingly written by Thomas Lynch, the speaker
delves deeply into remembrance, a form of freedom. Lynch begins this poem with an introduction
to personal freedom, “some nights I go out and piss on the front lawn / as a
form of freedom” (Lynch, Lines 1-2).
Here, the topics of liberty and freedom arise. Rejecting “societal conformity”, Lynch eases
these constraints in his rebellious actions of pissing where he sees fit, thus,
his lawn that can be seen by neighboring parties. While Lynch’s collection(s) of poetry are
wide-ranging, his craft is bare and lithe – he uses free verse and a variety of
line lengths. Clever in his prose, Lynch
simply allows his poetry to take the form of its being.
John Ciardi’s, “Suburban,” a satire poetry form, reflects on
the organization of individuals in society.
Although this topic might appear worthy of only telling the truth,
Ciardi’s informal language does just this.
The speaker finds optimism, an “organic gold” (Ciardi, Line 11) in his unprecedented
situation. In playing the role as a good
neighbor, one is left with satisfaction.
“The Cask of Amontillado,” beautifully composed by Edger
Allen Poe probes into the depths of darkness and sin. The narrator, Montresor, guides the short
story into a realm of psychological emotions.
Poe, talented in literature, successfully presents a story that can be
interpreted subjectively by different people, which allows the narrator to
drawn upon dark, hidden elements. Similar
to others, “The Cask of Amontillado” follows the theme of freedom and
James H. Cone, a theologian for his time, introduces an increasingly popular topic: black theology. Black theology begins with black liberation. It begins with the oppression of the black community, and culminates with the oppression of the black culture. Thus, black power became the response to such actions against the black community. Two aspects of black power can be explored; power and pride. The ultimate goal of black power is an effort to take control over one’s agency and for the decision of members in the black community to take a final stand and say that they will not be defined by oppression. The history of blacks is one that is deeply rooted in oppression and it is through the connection between black theology, power, and liberation that the black community can break through the chains of oppression. The Christology of Jesus Christ poses an answer and it is through the black church which has been a sign of hope and dignity for the black community that Jesus can truly be seen as the liberator of the oppressed. Therefore, Christianity must be used a tool, the most important tool, in black liberation and the spread of the gospel’s good news.
James H. Cone, a theologian for his time, introduces an increasingly popular topic: black theology. Black theology begins with black liberation. It begins with the oppression of the black community, and culminates with the oppression of the black culture. Thus, black power became the response to such actions against the black community. Two aspects of black power can be explored; power and pride. The ultimate goal of black power is an effort to take control over one’s agency and for the decision of members in the black community to take a final stand and say that they will not be defined by oppression. The history of blacks is one that is deeply rooted in oppression and it is through the connection between black theology, power, and liberation that the black community can break through the chains of oppression. The Christology of Jesus Christ poses an answer and it is through the black church which has been a sign of hope and dignity for the black community that Jesus can truly be seen as the liberator of the oppressed. Therefore, Christianity must be used a tool, the most important tool, in black liberation and the spread of the gospel’s good news.
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