this week's readings of Thomas Lynch's "Liberty", John Ciardi's
"Suburban" and Edgar Allen Poe's "The Cask of Amontillado",
there was a consistent theme of freedom. "Liberty" focuses on human
freedom and our right to make our own decisions, while "The Cask of
Amontillado" focuses on humans and our inability to obtain freedom unless
dead."Suburban", however focuses on animals and their constant
freedom. The idea of freedom ties into zen meditation because when we clear our
minds of all our worries and responsibilities, we become free, free to wander
and discover.
Lynch's "Liberty" discusses a man who occasionally enjoys urinating
on his front lawn. In society however, this is against the social norms for
human beings. Humans are to use the facilities inside. The speaker goes against
what is "normal" to feel free. The title "Liberty" is a
shot at the government and what is actually considered "freedom." The
speaker goes on to say "...I am from a fierce bloodline of men who made
their water in the old way," this shows his dedication to the freedom our
four father's once fought for and that it is his right to do what he wants
because his ancestors were the ones to claim and settle on the land (Lynch
6-7). Freedom to him means that he will do what he want because he can.
Allen Poe's "The Cask of Amontillado" on the other hand suggests that
we as humans are not free until we are dead. When we are alive we abide by all
these rules that keep us "free" but we are really not free. The
narrator seeks freedom through murder. Fortunato, an enemy of the narrator,
attends a carnival at which he is at. The narrator entices Fortunato with
Amontillado, a kind of wine. With this the narrator lures him into the basement
where he leaves him to die from dehydration and starvation. The narrator feels
that if Fortunato is dead he is free from his burdens and lies that Fortunato
knows he told. Poe suggests that we are not free unless our problems are gone
and our problems are never gone unless we are dead.
Ciardi's "Suburban" however does not focus on human freedom but
rather on animals and their freedom. The poem talks about a dog
"depositing" on a neighbors flowers. While the neighbor was angered
by the situation there was nothing she could do about it. Animals unlike humans
have the ability to do whatever they want when they want without
repercussions.Humans on the other hand have to worry about what other people
may think or how we will be punished for our actions. Animal's actions are
"buried" until they reach "the glorious resurrection"
however that resurrection is usually a funny story or a continuous joke.
Animals do not have to worry about being judged for what they have done unlike
Zen Meditation, when asked to clear our mind, we are to forget our worries and
responsibilities. This allows our mind to become free. Free from anything that
may cause us stress or pain or anything for that matter. The theme of mental
and spiritual freedom ties into this weeks readings very well. While humans are
not completely free to do what they
want, we are free to think what we
want. As long as our thoughts are not acted upon in an inappropriate manor then
we are respected and revered. If the actions are frowned upon then we are
frowned upon. So while we may not have complete freedom our thoughts are our
own to make what we want of them.
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